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Jodhpur Maharaj visited Om Ashram

The Maharaja of Jodhpur, respected Gaj Singh Ji, visited Om Ashram.

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He respected and admired Vishwaguruji by garlanding him with a flower mala.

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They visited the Samadhi place of Hindu Dharm Samrath Paramhans Swami Madhavanandaji.

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Vishwaguruji presented Maharaja with a small statue.

The Maharaja of Jodhpur is the title of the ruler of the princely state of Jodhpur in Rajasthan, India. The current Maharaja of Jodhpur is Gaj Singh II, who succeeded his father, Hanwant Singh, in 1952. He is the head of the Rathore clan and the House of Marwar. He is also a politician and a diplomat who served as a member of the Indian parliament and as the Indian High Commissioner to Trinidad and Tobago.

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